I lived in KC before the terms “Troost Wall” and “east of Troost” were in the public vernacular. The conversation about Troost has evolved over time. Here is a recent article from the Kansas City Star.
TROOST AVENUE NAMED AFTER SLAVEHOLDER Troost Avenue has become known as Kansas City’s dividing line — and its roots run deep in the city’s history of racial segregation and slavery. A reader asked ”What’s your KCQ?” about its origins: “Wasn’t Troost Avenue named after a slaveholder who had a plantation at 31st and Troost?” We dove into records kept by the library, through decades of newspaper clippings and, of course, a thorough Google search to learn more about who Troost Avenue is named for and what used to be along the road. The answer? Yes and no. Its namesake, one of Kansas City’s founding fathers, was a Dutch physician and slave owner. The slave plantation was owned by a preacher.